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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Sorta Birthday to Me!

Hi everyone....

The blog window thingy tells me that the last time I posted something was back in November.... wow!

Life's been good...... I've been full time for 6 months now (as of 2/15) and I honestly can't remember what life was like before it.  One of my ts friends told me that she felt a 'wave of emotion' one day... and that's what let her know that transition is something that was right for her.  For me, I haven't had any tidal waves of emotion... more like tiny little waves lapping at my toes, reassuring me that I'm on the right path.  Even if I don't ever experience that tidal wave, I know that I made the right choice.... I couldn't ever imagine going back to living as a boy again... there's just so much about living female that feels so right and natural to me.

December, I had another rite of passage..... I donated all of *his* clothes.  It was just hanging in the closet, taking up space, and I knew I that I will never wear them again.  It was kinda strange, actually... a lifetime of clothes, moved to a corner of my garage, then piled into my car to be donated.  Although I could've given them to Goodwill, a tg friend told me about a GLBT friendly recovery house in Hollywood..... so, hopefully they can make use of *his* clothes... and some of my older *her* clothes too.

Familywise, I know that I'm much closer to my parents than I was before.  My parents both embrace and love me... and have already regendered me..... and, although my Mom sometimes slips up with my name, she always corrects herself.  My sister, on the other hand, is still the same.... I'm disappointed that I still have not had an opportunity to spend time with my (now 20 month old) niece.... I do hope that my sister will come around someday.... however, I have to live for myself and not to make her happy.

So, the birthday thingy..... it was 10 years ago tonight that I first ventured out as Kacee.  While I dressed up lots as a child, and even had a few transformations done, 2/22/02 was the night when I left the confines of my house and went out to the Queen Mary (drag club in North Hollywood)..... I can't believe it's been one decade since I started this journey, but acknowledge the progress I've made... in terms of finding myself, of loving myself, finding my confidence and making a choice to live the life that I want to live.  I truly am a different person..... and, although the road to this point has been bumpy, it has all been worth it.

I know not what the next 10 years (and beyond) hold for me... however, if the past 6 months are any indication, I can't wait to see what's coming up next!



1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

    And don't be such a stranger! ;)
