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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What might have been... or not?

As I rode the bus into work this morning, it stopped at the traffic light on Exposition, directly across from USC.  Waiting for the light to change, I stared across at the campus and thought about my life.

Coming to terms with being transsexual in my thirties, I often wonder how my life would be different if I had been able to understand, realize and come to terms with things much earlier in life.  How much more I would’ve enjoyed prom being able to wear a beautiful gown?  Whether college would not have been the awkward time as a young co-ed that it was for me?  So, for a few seconds, I felt sad; sad realizing that that ship had sailed and how I never would really know; sad, thinking about what might have been. 

Don’t lament the path behind you because, without it, you would not be where you are today

On a retreat a few years ago, a Buddhist monk had shared these words of wisdom with me.  While I understood the meaning of what she has been saying at the time, in recent years, I’ve had a chance to live the meaning.

Life has taught me that the ‘what if’s’ can tear you up inside and twist your mind like a pretzel.  What if I known as a teenager? What if I had been born a genetic girl?  What if I had transitioned 10 years ago before starting my job?

While these questions are all valid, they do nothing to help; in fact, they can only serve to torture, making you wish and long for things that you can never have.  The past is the past and can’t be changed, however, without certain experiences, without meeting certain people, without living life, I can honestly say that I would not be the same woman who I am today.

It would have been nice to transition in my teens, but I know that I wasn’t in a place where I could fathom being transsexual nor had the emotional strength to endure all that’s involved.  In short, I would’ve crumbled. 

While the path I’ve taken is a bit longer and windier than I’d prefer, it has been the journey, not the perceived destination, that has given me the strength to be who I am today.   Although I realize that transitioning on the job will be difficult, I hope that my life experiences and maturity will help me overcome this challenge and allow me to flourish.


A Happy Un-Birthday to me

                Yesterday was February 22… in the course of the world, it’s just one of 365 but, for me, it’s an anniversary of sorts.  It was 9 years ago that I first set foot into the world as Kacee.

                When I woke up that morning, I had no idea that I would be starting down the path to where I am today.  Instead, I was going to get a transformation, perhaps go home and take some photos, wash up and go to bed.  However, after my friend Linda finished, she asked if I wanted to go out with her to the Queen Mary, the drag club up in the Valley.  As someone who had only dressed at home, , I jumped at the chance to actually venture out into public.  To be quite honest, I don’t remember much about the club that night, except that I met my friend Kimmie (who I am still great friends with) in the ladies’ room, chatting at the mirror. 

                For years, I had observed February 22nd as “Kacee’s Birthday,” even incorporating 2/22 into my email address.  However, in recent years, it’s lost some significance for me.  In a life of transition, I’m finding that there are more and more ‘anniversaries’ and special dates to remember.  While February 22nd represents a ‘first step out’ for me, there are now other dates… the day I started hormones, the day (coming soon) when I’ll be full time and, of course, the day that I will fully transition.

                It wasn’t until 1130pm last night that I really stopped to think about February 22nd… how it used to be such a big deal for me, but now is just the day that my car’s registration is due.  It did get me thinking, however, about how far I’ve come… from that first day, feeling awkward and out of place to today, when I’m 90% full time and walk the world with poise and confidence, spreading fabulousness to the world. 

Thanks to all of the special people in my life who I’ve met along the way.  In some small (or perhaps large) way, you’ve all contributed and helped me to evolve to the woman you see today.
