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Monday, June 18, 2007

Square Pegs

This past weekend, over the most yummiest of pizzas and a bottle of red wine, I came to a revelation… that I'm a square peg in a world of round pegs.

Now, to be totally honest, that's never really been a big question for me. I mean, I've never really felt like I really fit in . . . I try hard but, at the end of the day, I always feel like an outsider… you know, just sorta different from everyone else.

My big revelation was that, as a square peg, I'm not meant to fit it. 

My goal has always been to blend into the background… and be just like everyone else. I shun extra attention because I'm uncomfortable standing out. Looking back, they have been recurring themes in my life.

However, I'm learning that I'm not ordinary… and my destiny is not to blend in with everyone else. I need to shine… and be "Me"…. and not the "Me" that people expect.

Now don't get me wrong… its not like I've been 'cured' of my desire to fit in. Just because I know, on an intellectual level, that I'm not meant to fit in doesn't mean that I'm OK with it.

But I guess, I'm still a work in progress. I aspire to embrace my individualism and revel in the fact that, no matter how hard I try, I'll always be different from everyone else. 

So now begins my epic quest to live a life less ordinary... to the fullest!

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